Holy Guacamole

Holy guacamole, is it that long since I posted? When I look at what Jesus achieved over the past week, and then at what I have achieved... well, it's humbling.


I have been fairly fully occupied, though, wrestling with a metaphorical octopus. Over the past few years, as I wrote Jude, I spent a lot of time thinking about the modern novel, and, more specifically, about the comic novel. I decided I should write an essay on the subject, to come out around the time Jude would be published. An apologia pro vita comedia. Well, an explanation of what the hell I'd been doing all those years. Or maybe more an explanation of the thinking behind whatever the hell it was I'd been doing...

So anyway, I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to boil several years of thought down into a little pot of message. And it's now finished. At one point, when the fifth draft was nine thousand words long, I had glum visions of the thirtieth draft being a million words long, but I finally tamed it. So, five thousand words on comedy and the novel coming up shortly, if that tickles your mickle. Working title: "The Sound Of One God Laughing."


Stay! online! for! retail! details! ... I think I know when and where it'll be published but everything is change, as Heraclitus said in disappointment after robbing the wrong bank, so I won't post the print publication date and place till I'm absolutely sure.


(And no, I can't publish it here, yet. Later, maybe, but for now nice men are paying my rent for the right to print it first.)