I'd Like To Thank Everybody For Everything

This is insane, I'm too busy to visit my own website.

I will soon post a full account of what happened in London on Monday, from BAFTA to Groucho (from croissant to kebab). Right now, can I just thank everyone who has congratulated me by text, email, blog comment, phone, forum posting, telex and pigeon. I'll try to answer everyone individually over the next while. My Irish mobile has died of love, and I can't get at any voice messages or texts. It will, however, return from the dead on the third day, and speak in many tongues, when I get a new charger for it here in Berlin (I left the old one plugged into London...)


 Fortuna's wheel is going UP. Fun while it lasts, and it won't last forever. Foolish not to enjoy it.